
5 ‘Gears’ of Touch

When most couples in long-term relationships think of affection, they think of either a quick kiss on the cheek (non-sexual) or full-blown intercourse. As you’ve heard me talk it about before: they fall into the trap of thinking sex = intercourse. “This (thinking) results in lower levels of both affection and intercourse” according to sex […]

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Are Our Relationship Expectations Too High?

If we were to only get our ideas about intimate relationships from social media, scripted shows and movies, we’d believe our partner should… be our best friend; be our erotic partner; support us in pursuit of our goals; be our romantic partner; be a good financial provider; participate in household responsibilities like cooking and cleaning;

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3 Most Common Myths about Long-term Relationships and Sex

There is plenty of misinformation about couples’ sexual relationships online.  It’s troubling because: a) searching for answers to questions online is SO easy; b) it can be difficult to know if you’ve found reliable and valid information that’s based on work done by experts; and c) you will come across worst case scenarios.  And there’s

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8 Demands on Marriage That Contribute to Divorce

Might you have unrealistic expectations for your relationship that are leaving you feeling disappointed in your partner? In general in our culture, we have the expectation that our marriage should meet a wide variety of our needs. Think about the messages we are consistently exposed to – whether they come from television shows, romantic novels

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Old Hurts: How Being Mindful Can Help You Move Past Them

There are many people who think that their past doesn’t have any influence on them today.  They may feel this way because their childhood was years or decades ago, or perhaps because they’ve created a different life for themselves now.  Others might discount the importance of their childhood on their present because they no longer

Old Hurts: How Being Mindful Can Help You Move Past Them Read More »

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Hurt By Hearsay? How Therapy Rebuilds Your Sense of Safety

Gossip – sometimes it seems we’re surrounded by it.  We hear it all the time.  It glares at us from nearly every grocery store headline.  Have you seen so-and-so’s new haircut?  What was he/she thinking?  And what about those two?  Can you believe they did that?! On the surface, gossiping can seem like harmless, idle

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Wow! My spouse can be just like my mother/father! How did that happen?

Have you ever been going about your daily life, when suddenly something your spouse says or does is so reminiscent of what your mother or father once said or did, you can hardly believe it?!?  It can be quite unsettling to see negative traits your parent(s) had now demonstrated by your spouse. The positive traits

Wow! My spouse can be just like my mother/father! How did that happen? Read More »

couple fighting

Get a Grip: How to Keep Emotional Reactions From Hurting Your Marriage

Your emotions have a huge impact on your marriage.  Whether your reaction to these emotions is to show them on the outside OR to keep outside of your awareness, your reaction might be driving your partner away.  After many times of reacting similarly, a pattern sets in.  This pattern may be a big contributor to

Get a Grip: How to Keep Emotional Reactions From Hurting Your Marriage Read More »

Meredith Keller's Book

Relationship Essentials

You can purchase Meredith's book for $9.95 on amazon.com

Relationship Essentials book

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