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We Are Here to Help

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are thinking of you and your families.

As a nation, we have been ‘Overcome By Events’ including:

  • Adjusting to a temporary new normal
  • A loss of our usual stress relievers:  going to the gym, spending time with friends, worshiping together
  • Being with family 24/7 without breaks
  • Parents helping kids with online schoolwork
  • Parents helping kids with their feelings and worries and smaller losses (i.e. not being able to play with friends)
  • Concern for our aging loved ones and those with health issues
  • Heartache for the elderly who we can’t visit
  • Sadness and deep concern those who have become ill
  • Our jobs being cut back or eliminated

For many, the pandemic is bringing out feelings of worry and fear.  Together with the above-mentioned events, the stage is set for couples to have a higher level of conflict. They may likely engage in arguments over small things, misinterpretations, intense verbal conflicts, and at worst, escalating to physical fights (my grocery store now has a security guard at check out). Couples may have less time to connect with one another due to disrupted routines and children home all day.

There is something you and your partner CAN do right now to help you both feel better. Share with each other the things you DO have that you are grateful for, such as:

  • Gratefulness for our own health
  • Tremendous gratitude for our ‘front line’ workers such as (but not limited to) those working in healthcare, sanitation, shipping, Fire and Police, scientists making tests and working on a cure, food warehouses and grocery stores, gas stations…the list goes on
  • Happy to have our loved ones safe and close
  • Thankful to live in the technological age where many of us can work remotely, do a teleconference with our therapist, and video chat with loved ones far away
  • Grateful to have phones to stay in touch with and basic utilities such as water and power

Please reach out to us at 908-246-3074, or GetSupport@CouplesTherapyCenterOfNJ.com  if you need help, either as a couple or an individual.  If needed, we will adjust our fees and some insurance companies are waiving the member’s co-payment.  We are thinking of you and here for you during this challenging time.

Meredith Keller's Book

Relationship Essentials

You can purchase Meredith's book for $9.95 on amazon.com

Relationship Essentials book

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