Supervision with Meredith Keller LPC, ACS, DCC

MK headshot
Presenter Meredith Keller LPC, ACS, DCC, Couples Therapy Center of NJ's Director

I am an Approved Clinical Supervisor and am available for Clinical Supervision as you work toward your LPC or LMFT. I can also consult on an as-needed basis about a case or cases you are struggling with and/or practice building techniques. My theoretical orientation is systemic and psychodynamic. I hold a Master’s degree in Community Counseling with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy. Additionally, I have been certified in Imago Relationship Theory and Gottman’s 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work and have completed EMDR weekend level 2. For clients with a religious belief system, their faith is brought into the counseling room for additional guidance and support congruent with their beliefs. I have provided telehealth sessions for years and am a Distanced Credentialed Counselor and am very familiar with adjusting therapy for this new medium.

The therapy I provide is structured and bounded. Our clients are oriented to our process so they learn how to use therapy for the best outcomes. We go through a checklist of items with them such as “You’ll see results faster when you practice what you’ve learned between sessions” and “Our therapists like feedback so we can be the most helpful to you as possible.” This teaches them how they’ll get the most out of therapy. We do a good amount of psychoeducation in session and practicing skills in order for clients to transfer those skills to settings outside the room. Clients are lead through various affect moderation techniques, including visualization, mindfulness, and progressive relaxation to enhance their ability to manage emotion in the moment and think before acting. We also make sure to discuss self-care with all clients, even high functioning clients, as research is showing that emotions, cognition, and brain health are all impacted by sleep, diet and exercise.

Clinical supervision or case consultation is charged at the same fee you charge your clients for your services.

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