Being Thankful: How It Creates Happiness

During difficult times, it’s easy to lose sight of the positive aspects of our lives and focus solely on what’s going wrong.  This can be because what’s going wrong is right in our face, demanding our attention.  There is, however, a great deal to be gained from paying attention to what is good in our lives, especially during more difficult times.

Focusing on the things we are thankful for is important since the things we pay attention to grow in importance.  When we spend time thinking about what we are grateful for, we’ll notice these things appearing more frequently in our lives.  Noticing things that make you happy will automatically increase your feelings of pleasure and appreciation.

Appreciating the things you enjoy can become a part of your daily life.  Give daily thanks in the form of a prayer or write five things you are thankful for in a journal each night.

Think about the things you are thankful for.  Watch them grow and increase the joy in your daily life.  What are you thankful for?

· Being hugged
· A nice glass of wine
· A hilarious joke
· A park bench
· Beautiful weather
· Your physical health
· Laughing children
· Ice cream
· Chocolate
· Your mental health
· Take-out
· People who care
· A higher power
· The ecstasy of new romance
· Sex
· Books
· Coffee
· Career
· Modern medicine
· Your intellect
· Your eyesight
· Music that moves you
· Technology that makes your life easier
· Warm clothes from the dryer
· Free time
· Your loved ones

To schedule an appointment to learn more about how feeling gratitude for your partner can greatly improve your relationship, call 908-246-3074 or email

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Relationship Essentials

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