
Romantic kiss sunset cliché - Couples Therapy Center of NJ

Save Yourself From An Argument On Your Next Vacation

Imagine: you and your partner have planned a trip to a great summer destination. You each pack your own bags, arrive together and unpack when you get to your room. Your bag contains: books, boardgames, movies, candles, an eye mask, massage oil, and an assortment of teas. You’ve been looking forward to lazy days lounging […]

Save Yourself From An Argument On Your Next Vacation Read More »


What Was THAT All About?! Why Your Partner is Freaking Out Over Nothing and What You Can Do About it

Have you ever seen someone have a very strong reaction to something that seems minor? From your perspective, you’re wondering what the big deal is. Why are they getting so upset? Of course, this happens all the time in marriages and other intimate relationships. We see our spouse “freak out” over something small. Often, we

What Was THAT All About?! Why Your Partner is Freaking Out Over Nothing and What You Can Do About it Read More »

Rules for Fair Fighting: How to Keep Your Head in the Middle of a Heated Argument

You’re seeing red. You’re in the middle of a heated argument with your spouse when the gloves come off: Do things get ugly? Are you screaming your head off? Does the argument veer off the original topic until you’ve covered just about everything you’ve ever been upset about? Do you follow your partner around the house because you just

Rules for Fair Fighting: How to Keep Your Head in the Middle of a Heated Argument Read More »

Will My Avoider or Pursuer Reaction Style Help Me Get My Needs Met?

When you’re upset, do you tend to pull yourself inside or express yourself outwardly?  Do you clam up?  This is the Avoider Style of reacting.  Do you persist in talking about the issue?  This is the Pursuer Style of reacting.  Which is your ‘go to’ reaction? And, could your reactions be making things worse? What

Will My Avoider or Pursuer Reaction Style Help Me Get My Needs Met? Read More »

Yikes! Your Partner Is Angry With You: What Should You Do?

What do you do when your spouse is showing signs of anger? Or it may be really obvious she/he is angry.  And what if his/her upset or anger is about you?? You may have been hoping your partner wasn’t angry with you.  Most of us want to sidestep conflict.  It’s uncomfortable and we may lack

Yikes! Your Partner Is Angry With You: What Should You Do? Read More »

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Relationship Essentials

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