
You’re Ready for Couples Counseling: Now How Do You Ask Your Spouse?

Have things been distant between you and your spouse for some time? Have you felt unhappy or stuck in the relationship? Are you finally ready to reach out to a professional rather than continue to stick your head in the sand, hoping things will magically improve? Are you ready to take that step BUT the […]

You’re Ready for Couples Counseling: Now How Do You Ask Your Spouse? Read More »

You Want It? You’ve Got It! Learn How To Ask For The Things You Want

Most people are good at complaining and making negative comments about the things they aren’t happy with. It’s so easy to nag, pressure, nitpick and criticize. The critical comments roll off our tongues so easily. We often make them without giving them a second thought. Think about it – how many times have you voiced

You Want It? You’ve Got It! Learn How To Ask For The Things You Want Read More »

Getting What You Want: How Asking the Right Way Can Help You Get It

Most people are good at complaining and making negative comments about the things they aren’t happy with. It’s so easy to nag, pressure, nitpick and criticize. The critical comments roll off our tongues so easily; we often make them without giving them a second thought. Think about it – how many times have you voiced

Getting What You Want: How Asking the Right Way Can Help You Get It Read More »

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Relationship Essentials

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