
7 Things You Can Do When your Partner Isn’t Being Supportive

Do you have an unsupportive partner?  Has one of these scenarios happened to you?    You’re hurt by something your sister did but your partner doesn’t seem to care.    Something major just happened and your partner seems distracted and disinterested as you’re   telling them.   You’re angry about how  you were treated at the bank and your partner tells you it’s not a big deal.    You’re worried […]

7 Things You Can Do When your Partner Isn’t Being Supportive Read More »


Why couples counseling can make things WORSE

Have you tried couples counseling and it didn’t help?  Even worse, it harmed the relationship?  Since that experience with therapy, perhaps the conflict or distance remains the same; or perhaps the relationship has been deteriorating.  You may even be desperate for help.  You sometimes think about returning to counseling but haven’t because it didn’t work

Why couples counseling can make things WORSE Read More »

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Hurt By Hearsay? How Therapy Rebuilds Your Sense of Safety

Gossip – sometimes it seems we’re surrounded by it.  We hear it all the time.  It glares at us from nearly every grocery store headline.  Have you seen so-and-so’s new haircut?  What was he/she thinking?  And what about those two?  Can you believe they did that?! On the surface, gossiping can seem like harmless, idle

Hurt By Hearsay? How Therapy Rebuilds Your Sense of Safety Read More »

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Does Your Relationship Feel Difficult? Let Us Guide You Through This Stage And On To Create an Even Better Relationship Together

Do you sometimes wonder if you married the wrong person?  Have you asked yourself: How could I have been so clueless?  Why didn’t I listen to my friends (or my mother) who warned me?  What was I attracted to, anyway?  When the difficult stage of a relationship hits, people think they should… change their partner

Does Your Relationship Feel Difficult? Let Us Guide You Through This Stage And On To Create an Even Better Relationship Together Read More »

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Stopping Triangulation: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Involving a Third Person in Your Problems

Most of my clients have some kind of challenge in their relationships with others. The struggle may be with a spouse, a friend, a family member, a co-worker, a child, a neighbor, or a landlord. No matter who the struggle is with, we often discuss what someone else said or did and how my client

Stopping Triangulation: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Involving a Third Person in Your Problems Read More »

Meredith Keller's Book

Relationship Essentials

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