
Rules for Fair Fighting: How to Keep Your Head in the Middle of a Heated Argument

You’re seeing red. You’re in the middle of a heated argument with your spouse when the gloves come off: Do things get ugly? Are you screaming your head off? Does the argument veer off the original topic until you’ve covered just about everything you’ve ever been upset about? Do you follow your partner around the house because you just […]

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Sex in Marriage: Where Has The Passion Gone?

If you and your spouse have been together for some time, it’s possible that you’ve been having the same, uninspired sex for a while now: same positions, same day/time/place, same techniques. It may be enjoyable and comforting to be together, you may like the physical release, or both, but it’s definitely not as hot as

Sex in Marriage: Where Has The Passion Gone? Read More »

Valentine’s Day and The Myth That Couples Should Always Be Close

The common (and incorrect) assumption about relationships is that if we just find the right person, then we’ll always be close. We start in Romantic Love where we can’t get enough of each other. During this early stage of love, we are each other’s most passionate supporter and in sync sexually. Most people believe that

Valentine’s Day and The Myth That Couples Should Always Be Close Read More »

Getting What You Want: How Asking the Right Way Can Help You Get It

Most people are good at complaining and making negative comments about the things they aren’t happy with. It’s so easy to nag, pressure, nitpick and criticize. The critical comments roll off our tongues so easily; we often make them without giving them a second thought. Think about it – how many times have you voiced

Getting What You Want: How Asking the Right Way Can Help You Get It Read More »

Relationships: Finding Harmony, Even During Hardships

Every once in awhile, something unprecedented happens and we suddenly find ourselves out of our normal routine and dealing with either minor inconveniences or extreme difficulties caused by circumstances beyond our control.  Let’s think about the impact of a natural disaster such as a superstorm.  During the aftermath of a storm, lives are disrupted. Most normal

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Will My Avoider or Pursuer Reaction Style Help Me Get My Needs Met?

When you’re upset, do you tend to pull yourself inside or express yourself outwardly?  Do you clam up?  This is the Avoider Style of reacting.  Do you persist in talking about the issue?  This is the Pursuer Style of reacting.  Which is your ‘go to’ reaction? And, could your reactions be making things worse? What

Will My Avoider or Pursuer Reaction Style Help Me Get My Needs Met? Read More »

Experiencing Your Full Range of Emotions: Why It’s Important

Everyone experiences painful feelings from time to time.  This is a normal part of the human experience, just as joy and excitement are part of being human.  Times of sorrow, grief, despair and fear are unavoidable.  In spite of the fact that experiencing these painful feelings is normal, many of us have spent a lifetime

Experiencing Your Full Range of Emotions: Why It’s Important Read More »

Meredith Keller's Book

Relationship Essentials

You can purchase Meredith's book for $9.95 on amazon.com

Relationship Essentials book

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