
You Want It? You’ve Got It! Learn How To Ask For The Things You Want

Most people are good at complaining and making negative comments about the things they aren’t happy with. It’s so easy to nag, pressure, nitpick and criticize. The critical comments roll off our tongues so easily. We often make them without giving them a second thought. Think about it – how many times have you voiced […]

You Want It? You’ve Got It! Learn How To Ask For The Things You Want Read More »

It’s Mid-January and Your Resolutions Have Already Fallen To The Wayside: What Happened?

You said, “Next year I’m going to do things differently. Next year is the year I’ll finally stop doing ____ or start doing _____”. You start out with a firm resolve to make the changes last. But will they last? Many people begin the year strong and then eventually fall back into old patterns. It’s

It’s Mid-January and Your Resolutions Have Already Fallen To The Wayside: What Happened? Read More »

Getting What You Want: How Asking the Right Way Can Help You Get It

Most people are good at complaining and making negative comments about the things they aren’t happy with. It’s so easy to nag, pressure, nitpick and criticize. The critical comments roll off our tongues so easily; we often make them without giving them a second thought. Think about it – how many times have you voiced

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Relationships: Finding Harmony, Even During Hardships

Every once in awhile, something unprecedented happens and we suddenly find ourselves out of our normal routine and dealing with either minor inconveniences or extreme difficulties caused by circumstances beyond our control.  Let’s think about the impact of a natural disaster such as a superstorm.  During the aftermath of a storm, lives are disrupted. Most normal

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Giving Thanks for Your Partner: How Appreciating the Good Can Transform You

Are you taking your partner for granted OR, even worse, focusing on what she/he isn’t doing or saying?  If you wish your partner would change, and have already asked, pleaded or begged for these changes to be made, it’s time to stop.  Not only will this fail to bring about the changes you desire, it

Giving Thanks for Your Partner: How Appreciating the Good Can Transform You Read More »

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Relationship Essentials

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